Alpha Baptist's Celebration Choir is a group of singers age 15-85 that love to sing God's praises! They help lead in worship most Sundays at Alpha in our Blended Service through congregational singing and featured songs in a wide variety of musical styles.
If you have a heart for praising God through singing, we would love to have you join us!
If you are interested in participating in the Celebration Choir, please call the church office at 423-581-3237.
Celebration Choir Rehearsal: Thursdays 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Praise Band is not meeting at this time.
Our Praise Band helps lead our congregation in worship on selected Sundays throughout the year! We play a wide variety of musical styles, but the common theme of our music is that we exalt the name of Jesus Christ.
Participation in the Praise Band is open to any youth or adult who has skill on any musical instrument and a desire to help lead in worship.
The Media Ministry at Alpha Baptist is a volunteer-based ministry comprised of members from our church. Every Sunday, we have at least 4-5 volunteers to operate our media systems in the Sanctuary. The following positions are what make up our media ministry:
No prior experience is required to operate our systems; training is provided.
If you are interesting becoming a part in this ministry, please contact the church office, or email our Media/Tech Coordinator at